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  • - What is counselling?
    Counselling provides a safe space for you to explore your feelings in confidence, a place for you to talk about any problems that you may be experiencing. Counselling can help you to develop better ways of coping, allowing you to move forward and get the most out of life. Counselling will also help you to gain clarity, change old behavioural patterns, change thinking patterns, untangle complex personal issues, or embark on a journey of self-development.
  • - What happens in a counselling session?
    There is no typical counselling session. We are all unique individuals and I provide a safe environment where I can support you in exploring ant issues you may be facing. With all therapy you are free to discuss whatever you wish: from everyday events, dilemmas, traumatic experiences, feelings, thoughts, regrets, aspirations or memories. The sessions are entirely yours and I am led by you as to what you would like to reflect on.
  • - How long does each counselling session last?
    Each session will last 50 minutes.
  • - Are sessions confidential?
    Yes, everything we discuss is strictly confidential. There are however a few exceptions to this confidentiality and this will be discussed at our initial session. For example: if a client discloses a risk of serious harm to themselves or others; if I am required to do so by a court of law or if there is a child at risk
  • - How regularly will I see you?
    I initially recommend weekly sessions, however, this can vary depending on the type of therapy and on your personal requirements. Counselling is a commitment so it is important for you to attend regularly so that you can get the best benefit from the process.
  • - How long should I expect to have to continue counselling?
    The length of your treatment will very much depend on your unique circumstances and needs. Six sessions are often recommended with a review after that but this is directed entirely by you and your specific needs. Sometimes new issues could arise that you may not have been aware existed and that you then want to explore. It is of course possible to see improvement much faster than you expected.
  • What issues can counselling help with?
    Clients come with a wide variety of needs, including: anxiety (generalised anxiety problems, panic attacks, agoraphobia, social anxiety, claustrophobia) workplace issues (stress, work-life imbalances) relationship issues (breakups, divorce, affairs, choosing inappropriate partners, loneliness, life adjustments, marital problems, arguments, jealousy, wedding and premarital issues) depression (including suicidal thoughts, low mood, social withdrawal) low self-esteem and lack of confidence trauma (including post-traumatic stress disorder, complex post-traumatic stress disorder, childhood abuse, rape and other adverse experienes attacks/incidents) obsessive-compulsive disorder eating problems (including bulimia, binge eating, negative body image) phobias and fears abuse (including physical, verbal, and sexual abuse) bereavement/grief/loss.
  • - Can I have counselling online?
    Absolutely yes! In fact studies from around the world suggest that online therapy is just as effective as face-to-face therapy. Online counselling also offers a unique elasticity of communication in what is known as the “online disinhibition effect” (Suler) which refers to the phenomena that cyberspace loosens the psychological barriers that block the release of both, negative or positive inner feelings and needs, which we wouldn't ordinarily say or do in the face-to-face world.
  • Are Online Counselling and Psychotherapy sessions different to meeting face to face?
    Yes they are but I now work with many people in this way and they tell all me that whilst it may have seemed a little different initially, they find the online sessions extremely helpful. There are of course many advantages to online counselling such as not having to travel to and from sessions and being in the comfort of your own home.
  • We want to access couples counselling, can we do that online too?"
    Yes I work very successfully online with couples counselling, relationship therapy and marriage counselling.
  • What is online couples counselling?
    With online counselling, the therapist and couple share a space online to conduct therapy. Couples counselling is about the couple's relationship and not about the two individuals. This makes couples counselling exceptionally well suited to online work. Online couples counselling differs from traditional couples counselling in that the therapist is not in the room with the couple, where this intervention becomes much more organic.
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